I really don't like moving. I was hoping that our next move would be to a home that we would own... or even rent to own (hey, I'm not picky!). Just the thought that we will move again in a few years makes me cringe. Moves past didn't seem so bad. Adding the extra child (especially a one year old!)and having a rough time finding available or willing help, made this move a little tough, but not impossible and here we are in Spanish Fork now and loving it.
Our first night in this place was ghastly... Kaitlyn went to bed about as horribly as I expected but once she was asleep - she was good the rest of the night. Danelle surprised me. She got into something that had gone bad and spent her first 8-10 hours in our new place throwing it up. It was AWFUL! Shayne went to work, so there I was with Danelle sitting on the couch trying to sleep but having her throwing up. I couldn't find any medicine to help her either.
Our place was a mess too which was frustrating on all of us. Boxes, trash, everything was everywhere. Finding something as simple as a hairbrush seemed daunting. A lot of our boxes were out in the garage (so our carpets could dry) and I was getting discouraged that it would ever get done. Not to mention but our first couple days here was also my math final in school. I was so overwhelmed, I wanted to scream, cry, and run far far away. It was probably the longest couple of days EVER.
Our first Monday here though, things started to look up. I unpacked all day long until the main floor looked like a home we could live in. Later that night, I took my final. A huge load had been lifted. Shayne helped me off and on all week and together we got 95% of the house put away. All that is left is my bedroom closet and to hang pictures on the walls upstairs. I can't wait for the moment to say that it is all done.
We have come a long way in the past few days. We will still need to work on our storage unit in Salem, but are to tired to think about it right now. It's our next big project.
There is only one thing I would change about this place is I could. I have noticed the children have free reign over the neighborhood. I guess this could a good thing too (knowing it's safe) but it is really a uncomfortable feeling for me... There is no way anyone (not many anyway) would let their kids run around in Provo the way these parents do.
On a side note, Danelle is making friends at a fast pace. Her best friends here so far are both eight years old and if I hadn't told the parents she was only six, they would have assumed she was the same age and going into third grade also. Danelle is very excited about her new school in the fall and especially for riding the bus (we found out) and eating at the school. I hope she finds friends in our neighborhood in her class.
I have to throw a shout out to the people that did help with the Munn's move of 2011. Both Dads (Dad and Martin, my father in law) helped loan trucks. Evan and Monyka were the first to help take over boxes on Friday. Saturday we rallied help from Erik Heppler, his brother in law, Dad, our home teacher, another ward member (sorry I should know!), and Troy Morgan to help load the trucks and trailer. Oh, which I have to thank Jason Benson for the trailer and saving us a million trips. Mom and Monyka helped me clean the home out and ready for market, and Carolyn Heppler let me borrow her carpet cleaner.
I can't forget those that helped with my crazy kids during the move process too. Larissa and Beth (my visiting teachers), Carolyn Heppler, my mom, Evan and Monyka, and Kandice Morgan. This move would have been almost impossible having the kids around. I can't thank you enough! It meant so much to us to know our girls were in good hands.
Well, that's all for now! Have a great week!