In retrospect, it really doesn't seem like that long ago that Danelle was the same age as little Kaitlyn right now. Time has flown by fast and now she is about to start Kindergarten. I have enrolled her in Art City Elementary in Springville. She will be going for a few hours in the afternoons, and starts on the 31st of August.
I hear a lot of mothers say, "I will probably cry." I might shed a tear (who's to say?) but I am SO excited FOR HER that she is going. Ellie, as you know, has been an only child 5 years until Kaitlyn was born. She has craved to be with other children her age and friendships. Until now seeing her friends and cousins once and a while and going to preschool twice a week didn't seem like enough. She was happy but sad somehow that she couldn't be around other children more. I tried to make up for this the best I could - playing with her, taking her fun places, enrolling her in dance, including her when I would make things in the kitchen - whatever. I am just a mom though - there is only so much she likes of all that. I am not a 5 year old with her same energy level anymore.
We talk about Kindergarten a lot in my home, and we are very anxious for it. She can't wait to be with the other kids her age, and I couldn't wait to take her shopping; the famous back to school shopping. I decided to do this early, so today - we did some school shopping. We bought a couple pairs of shoes (one athletic, one casual), five outfits, a jacket, socks, and a backpack. I haven't gotten her any supplies yet, but that's the little stuff I can get later.
Another step to her going into school was that she wanted to wear earrings. Her four cousins all have earrings (since they were infants) and Danelle has always asked me for some. I wanted her have them when she was old enough to understand that they will need some care, and she can't touch them or play with them while they are healing or they might become sore and infected or get lost. This she understood. She was ready for them (even though I originally planned to wait until she was eight years old and let her around the time of her baptism). Mainly I wanted her to walk to it willingly, and get them and walk away proud of herself. After our successful Kindergarten shot day, I knew it was just about time.
Sure, she shed a tear or two from anticipation but after Aunt Monyka got her second set of holes and showed her that they weren't bad to get, Ellie went forward and got them anyway. They had two women there to do them at the same time. Monyka was a miracle worker. Without her, I don't think we could have done them because I would have quit with the first "I changed my mind" words. Monyka sat Ellie on her lap, and the two gals working came up and they did both ears at the same time. Ellie said, "no don't do it" only to be surprised that they were already done.
Watching the transformation of my daughter was priceless. She was nervous about them before but after she stood by the mirror and admired herself. She bragged about her bravery. She went to everyone in the store, a woman feeding her baby, and even the ice cream lady to tell them what she just did. She was glowing. For the next couple of hours as we finished shopping, I watched Ellie grin and never stop grinning. She was now noticing all the other girls with earrings in. It made me happy. I was relieved and it was a great afternoon.
I will admit I got a little flustered spending so much money in one afternoon, but we enjoyed it. It was an unforgettable day, and I am so proud of my big girl. Danelle looked beautiful before she had her earrings and didn't need them to be any more gorgeous but they look good on her and I am glad to see her so happy.
Her ears were made for earring. She looks so cute and is so happy and proud. I loved being apart of this day. Thanks