Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cooking Happy

Ok, I give... I like cooking. I mean, I am starting to LIKE cooking. I have been cooking new recipes all year. We've had some sensational dishes, and some NOT SO GREAT. It's been a worthwhile adventure for me, and I feel so appreciated by my family for making the extra effort. It also passes the time when I need it. Plus, there is just something about having restaurant quality food from home sometimes. I feel like I should be on my own cooking show :)

Here are a few I cooked last week, all from my trusty CAMPBELL'S RECIPE COLLECTION cookbook.

Hearty Chicken and Noodle Casserole.
My family wasn't too excited about this dinner. I guess it didn't sound like anything special, but this meal SURPRISED us all! It was the perfect all in one meal. Danelle had two helpings and even Kaitlyn ate this meal well. Don't underestimate your noodle casseroles!!! They might surprise you.

Rosemary Chicken an Roasted Vegetables.
I wanted to make something tasty, pretty, and impressive for my company Friday night. Danny and Uurtsaikh (my brother and sister in law) were coming over for dinner. I had never roasted a chicken before, but I think it turned out as everything I hoped it would. It had a very nice subtle flavor to the chicken, and the veggies (red potatoes, celery, onion, and carrots) cooked well. This was also a very healthy meal so I didn't feel as guilty taking second helpings. ;)

Tonight - Roast Pork with Green Apples and Golden Squash. I have been trying to cook more with chicken and pork (the other white meat) lately to stay on a healthier diet. This recipe appealed to me because I have never cooked a dinner with apples before, and I am a squash lover. I had some trouble finding whole pork tenderloins though, so I settled for pork tenderloin steaks - luckily they worked. My favorite part of this meal had to have been the apples. They were very sweet, and reminded me of the fried apples they serve at Cracker Barrel.

This week I am thinking about letting Shayne help me with grilling Barbecued Pork Spareribs. I also think I will try the Savory Pot Roast and Tuna Noodle Casserole (since my last noodle casserole turned out so well). Look at me... Liking cooking :) How about that?

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