Saturday, July 7, 2012


At Shayne's graduation on June 21, it was said that "from this day on, you will never be denied a job because you do not have have a college degree."  When I think back on the countless jobs Shayne was not given or even slightly considered for this reason, it makes this statement mean that much more.  I am so excited, happy, and proud of Shayne for his huge accomplishment and bright promising future ahead.

To celebrate, we joined our friend and family at a lunch at Sizzler in South Provo.  It was so amazing to have so many come and support him on his special day.  Later that day, Shayne looked handsome wearing his carnation flower lei, cap, graduation gown, and honor cords around his neck at the graduation.  Seeing him receive his graduation nearly brought me to tears; I still can't believe his is DONE.

We don't have any prospective jobs yet, but its also been said that "good things come to those who wait."  Hopefully we aren't talking about waiting long, but we are confident that when he lands a job it will be well worth the time spent to find it.  Shayne has been applying all over Utah, our neighboring states, and Texas (since we have family out there).  We hope we stay where we are at until we can buy a home, but we are flexible and need to go where the jobs are at least until he is more experienced in his field.  Wish us luck!

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