Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Me after losing my first 20 pounds in 2007, and me now, almost 40 pounds lighter.

I feel like I have come a LONG way since I started my weight loss journey in 2005. I had just given birth to Danelle... I gained sixty pounds during that pregnancy and unfortunately was not in great shape when we got pregnant with her either. I lost 40 pounds almost by the week after I left the hospital. I was hanging onto 20 pounds and was about sixty pounds heavier than healthy. Finally, I told myself this wasn't going to work and started counting calories. That year I lost my first 20 pounds. I felt good, but I had a long way to go.

After this we moved to Cedar Hills, again I lost 20 pounds. When we moved to Provo, I lost 10 more pounds. The summer of 2009 I was feeling my best. I told myself I still wanted to lose 10 - 20 pounds but then we got pregnant with Kaitlyn. I was in the best shape in years. Health wise it was a great pregnancy; blood pressure stayed in check, not as sore, and I didn't get as big... we did have problems with the placenta which caused problems later but THAT is another story.

I had high hopes when Kaitlyn was born that I would lose a lot of weight with nursing. I actually found this to be opposite. Kaitlyn was not gaining weight so I worried about what I ate, and if I could diet and lose weight and not have it effect her. I exercised regularly, but didn't watch what I ate. The last 20 pounds clung on. Now that Kaitlyn is 14 months I am not breastfeeding her it seemed like a great time to start a diet.

I remember asking mom if she wanted to start Weight Watchers with me. She did even more excited than I was. We decided to do it right after my move. Which we did. We have been on it for three weeks. I have lost 7.6 pounds and Mom has lost almost 10. I only have 12.4 pounds left to reach my goal and am convinced I can do it this time!

Of course, weight loss the right way never comes easy. This is not diet pills or something I shake on my food and I automatically will lose weight automatically. I am losing an inch at a time, a half pound a week average. It's going to take a while to get where I really want to be. Today at our meeting, the teacher wanted us to think of how we will look when we reach our goal. All I could think of is that I will be smiling. :) I look forward to this day. I want to reach my goal by my birthday. That would be the best present ever!


  1. You look great already. Good job on all your hard work.

  2. You look great hot momma!! I want to shake your little arms!
