If there is one thing I have come to learn about our little Kaitlyn Marie, it's that she likes to keep me guessin! This entire pregnancy has been a roller coaster. Some parts of the pregnancy have been so much fun and we are cruising along with our arms raised high enjoying the ride. Then other times, we have been nervous and worried about the next corners we are taking and holding on tight to whatever we can grab onto. Kaitlyn must think she's pretty funny. :)
Last Thursday, the fluids were at a 7. Dangerous levels for any unborn baby. Being only 32 weeks at a time, delivering her wasn't our best choice (nor was it even an option!); we both needed more time. Neither of us were ready. So I was put on a strict bed rest and was told to drink plenty of fluids. I started drinking TWO gallons of water a day (more than the recommended amount, but I wanted to be extra sure she would be ok). I rested pretty faithfully most the week, and at my non stress test and ultrasound Tuesday our efforts seemed to pay off. I had 15 cm of amniotic fluid. Today I had 12, a little on the low side of normal, but still normal so we're happy.
So it seems like the ride is getting more fun again. Especially now that we are getting into the "waiting for baby stages", and not "getting ready for baby stages." After last week we realized that we need to be prepared for anything. Shayne has been a big help getting the girls room ready. He set up our nursery, did baby laundry, and together we organized the room and put everything in it's place. All that needs to be done now is to put the car seat in the car, stroller too, and Kaitlyn needs a going home outfit. It is such a GOOD feeling to be waiting for her and relaxing during these last few weeks.
Ellie is taking the bedroom change better than we thought. She was a little bothered when we took out some of her toys to make room for the baby's things, but she adjusted quickly when we told her that she can play with them again when we move to a bigger house hopefully this summer. Once the room was decorated, Ellie got excited and started to put her baby dolls in her bassinet and cribs and playing "mommy." She seems to be getting excited to know that the baby is coming soon, and is actually saying now how happy she is to get to share a room with the baby.
I can't wait to see them together!!! It will be such a wonderful sight! I always wonder how the two girls will be similar and different. I wonder if Kaitlyn will look like her big sister when she was a baby, or completely different. Ellie was born looking a lot like me when I was a newborn, and she had thick long hair for a newborn. I loved that about her! I hope and wonder if Kaitlyn will have hair.
I also hope we stay on a nice path for a while. I will be watched closely until the baby comes. I have my regular appointments, and once weekly a non stress test and ultrasound to check on our progress. As always, I will keep the blog updated.
Reading this blog makes me even more excited for Baby Kaitlyn. I'm excited to see Ellie respond to her too. Kaitlyn will be super gorgeous I know it :D