Sunday, April 4, 2010

eAsTeR 2010

Our Easter only had one thing that would have made it better; some SUNSHINE! Overall however, we had a perfect holiday. Friday night, we decided to color our Easter eggs. Shayne, the pro that he is at egg coloring, taught his daughter how to create the perfect egg including the "half and half" and his famous "tie-dyed" eggs.

By the time Sunday rolled around, Ellie was extremely built up with anticipation! So this morning when she woke up, rubbed her eyes, and realized a plastic Easter egg was hiding right by her, she began her hunt. It didn't take her long to find all the eggs, and after a while she managed to find her basket too. That morning we had a big breakfast and during which we made sure to tell her the REAL reason we celebrate Easter. It was great to see how much she already knew about the atonement and Resurrection of our Savior. It was a tender moment to our day and a very special time for our family.

Later on we met with Shayne's side of the family at Grandpa Underwood's house for a "picnic indoors." Our original plan was to go to Salem Pond, but this being April in UTAH and CONFERENCE WEEKEND it was our destiny to have it snow today and we woke up to a blanket of it. We made the best of it however and had a blast spending time with Grandpa and enjoying the piles of food before us. Later that night, after Ellie's sugar rush ended, Ellie went to bed with her new purple stuffed lamb and as parents we realized we're back to another week.

We had a great Easter holiday and hope that you did too! HAPPY EASTER!!!

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