Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BIG dumb Blonde

With Ellie, I had it. With this one, I seem to have it worse. If you have been pregnant or closely around someone who is pregnant, you will know what I am talking about. It's what I like to call "Pregnancy Brain." One of the MOST ANNOYING symptoms I get when I am pregnant. It's the reason I have to write down EVERYTHING that I need to remember. It's also the reason that I have alarms set on my phone so I don't miss anything important; like, oh say, remembering to get Ellie from preschool for example. It seems the MORE PREGNANT I get, the more things I seem to be doing that are "not quite right." Here are some I have done lately.

The other day, I was filling out a registration card for a new baby item that we have. I didn't think twice about putting on my name, address, and phone number. I clipped it to the door with a magnet, so I would remember to put it in the mailbox. Shayne noticed something "off" about the little post card though. For my address I had written, 1037 S. 1037 S., plus the rest of my address. Smart! 1037 S. 810 E. would have been better.

Ellie has been sick today, throwing up and the whole bit! Well, we have been working on laundry all day to clean up the messes that come when a child is sick. So I went up to Shayne and said, "are those suitcases needing to be cleaned, or can I just put them away?" He kinda looked at me like, "HUH?" so I said again, "will we need to clean the suitcases, or can I just fold them up and put them away???" He squinted at me and said, "SUITCASES?" DUH! I was so annoyed at myself. "I meant SLEEPING BAGS." Sheesh.

Another one of my favorite annoying things I do is I always sit down, only to realize I forgot to get something. For example, I will get up off the couch to get a bottle or water... then I realize that since I am up, I may as well go to the bathroom right? Then, I forget all about the reason I got up and sit back down on the couch and finally it hits me "I didn't get my water, did I?" This regularly happens with the cell phone, and I have been known to close the computer without remembering to check the thing that I went on the computer for.

In the beginning of my pregnancy, some of the things I did could have been very bad for me. One thing I did quite often is leave my purse, or wallet places - luckily I always got them back before harm was done. One time I left my drivers license at the credit union. I didn't realize that I had left my drivers license until one night, very late, when I was driving home from the gas station with a load of treats and flashing lights came behind me. I was being pulled over. I was confused because I was going the speed limit, and it seemed like there was no reason to be pulled over. The officer informed me I had been driving without my lights on... I was so embarrassed. Luckily, the officer gave me a warning.

I could write pages and pages of the dumb things that I am doing but I won't. I probably pregnancy brain forgot most of them anyway. Needless to say, I am so glad to be nearing the end of my pregnancy and hopefully my brain cells will switch back on after a while. I hope I don't do anything too stupid before that time, like leave the stove on and burn the house down or something. Wish me luck. :/ I don't realize when I am doing it, so I will need it.


  1. Good Luck! I remember you calling me in a frantic state that you left your wallet on the dashboard of the BRONCO! In visible view to everyone in Provo LOL. So Evan and I went and put it in your house.

  2. Oh yes - that was a frightful day.
